Support for omphalocele families

Our Mission:

O Warrior helps families affected by an omphalocele diagnosis by being their destination for support, resources, education and awareness.

Omphalocele Awareness Day 2024

To read about Omphalocele Awareness Day (January 31) and the work O Warrior is doing, click the button below. From mini grants to additional support resources, we welcome you to join us in celebrating our O Warriors!

A safe landing place when things feel unknown.

We know you’re unsure, but we’re here to support you and your family. We’ve been in your shoes before: googled everything, asked all the questions, and looked at all the statistics. We’re here to hold your hand, hug you, and help how we can.


Are you a family member or friend of an O Warrior?

Having a baby is an expensive life step for any family, but when diagnosed with an omphalocele there are a lot of unexpected costs from a specialized car seat to extra child care.